Glorious Pleasures





Soft, silky or rough

Spreading with love


My mornings


New beginnings

I devour your goodness

And sense your godliness

Best friend, lover and soulmate

Every day they wait

My loyal companions

Are peanut butter and toast

That adorn my plate

How much light does it take to light up the entire night sky



A river,

That flows with passion and purpose

Meanders slowly

Around a rock – glowing purple

A hue deeper than itself


Polished, shiny, new


Inspiring children’s awe

The water pauses,

Sending ripples

In circular directions

Gently and soothingly

Spreading the moonlight

In elegant ballet-like actions

One day, an array of 1 million candles it accepts

Way more than it can handle

Sacrificing, smilingly

Its once clean, untouched surface

Now drinking

 And drenching In dripping wax


Sins scorching away

Compassion at bay,

On the darkest moonless night

Allowing 1 million fingers to intertwine

To seek victory of light


Souls that had lost their way

Under a Poppy Field


Stars start to fade away,

The moon is half

The sky is black

The majestic Atlantic roars

In the distance as the waves dance

Fierce, mighty, loud and massive

Foretelling  a storm on its way

Warning the world to stay in today.

Couples cuddle in bed,

Elderly snore, reliving their forgotten past,

Children dream of dolls, toy cars and yummy treats

A spell has been cast over this city


Everyone sleeps in bountiful peace

A perfect night to cherish the bed,

And bask in the warmth by a balmy hearth

He rises from bed staring at the silent street

The spectacle begins yet once more.

People cheering, families smiling

T’was a celebration of a welcome back

He felt lost in his own home town,

Lonely among the obnoxiously excited crowd

He looks around anxiously

For his childhood friend Jake,

Only knowing too well he won’t be coming back

Not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever

He too lies in a deep, eternal sleep

Tucked safely under a poppy field,

A Pumpkin’s Tale

Find a little kid to share a snuggle with, get yourself some pumpkin pie and read this to them. They will love you forever, or at least a very long time until they become teenagers. If there is no kid around, read this tale of a jack-o-lantern to yourself, and the child within you will be revived and excited just in time for Halloween!  


Walking through an eerie forest trail,

I heard a soft whimper from beneath.

I knelt down to see what the poor thing was by my feet.

Buried under freshly fallen red leaves

sat the most orange, roundest and plumpest pumpkin I’ve ever seen!

It’s eyes were perfect triangles, my teacher would give them the highest grade,

a fair little nose above a tiny stretch of squiggles – its mouth was so finely made.

“Oh little pumpkin, why do you cry?”

“you are so beautiful, tears don’t suit your eyes.” I whispered.

After sobbing a little more, the sad pumpkin finally looked up.

“Surely I am a cutie pie, but I am so lonely I can’t lie!” he replied.

“All my friends are gone, they all have warm cozy homes, and here I am in a forest where nobody roams!.”

He looked down and shuddered and then began to sob even louder and louder.

“Aww my friend don’t you worry, I think I have a solution, but lets hurry.” I said softly.

“Oh what is it?”, he looked at me shockedly

“Why don’t you come home with me?

We can live together as a happy family!” I smiled,

“Are you sure?” he said,

“you are the first person who has ever asked, and I have been here for quiet a long while!”.

“Of course, you silly.” I replied.

“Let’s get going before it becomes dark at night.”

And so I brought a joyful little pumpkin home,

He is so happy to be here, and has never again felt alone!

Dandelions or Roses?


Lovers don’t love dandelions like they love roses,

but children do adore making wishes as they sprinkle above.

Dandelions don’t pose in vases as promises of everlasting love,

they flourish in fields, freely blowing kisses to whoever they please.

They don’t breed temptations or tantalize eternal youth and sensuous ways,

they inspire innocence for people at any age, seeking to be amazed in the summer haze.

The Evening Blues

sad evening

Wish i could enjoy evenings more.

When darkness creeps into the air and seeps in through my skin

Numbing my every fiber, cloaking the pain it causes.

When glistening green leaves loose their luster and time pauses- as they tell tales of loss and loneliness.

When lakes of sapphire start weeping into a storm, and the once serene waves now scream and yelp!

When prayers become desperate calls for help, and you look hard for a beacon of hope, but don’t see the rope that can

pull you ashore.

This is why I really wish I could enjoy evenings more

photos source:

List Poetry: Street Lights


What Do Streetlights Do? 

Sometimes white sometimes yellow.

They observe the streets both hollow and mellow

with figurines, silhouettes, people and shadows

Dancing, walking, driving, biking,

laughing, smiling, pondering, rejoicing,

smoking for habit, for  pleasure, for grief,


missing, hurting, gazing into nothingness,

rotting and reflecting –

all without realizing they are being watched.

As the sun kisses good bye to the sky,

these silent observers flicker on and provide

an audience for the lonely souls who

take out the garbage and bring in the mail

who train puppies and walk dogs.

They see it all without judgement or care,

first kisses and breakups and love affairs

the drifting leaves in mid air, snowmen melting and colours returning

Babies returning as grand parents

the cycle of life over and over and over again

Saturated with wisdom they stand strong ,

silently watching.

The good, the bad, the left, right and wrong.

Songs of Spring

A squirrel scurrying through the damp ground,

Finally comes out, looks around

To find that it has the whole forest to itself and there exist no bounds.

A red robin parched on a leafless branch

Shares stories, sings about its glories –

Reminiscing about the time when the whole world was its ranch

The leaves begin emerging, slowly adorning the moist, bare lumber,

Bringing back life- birds, butterflies, bees and hives,

Once again the air is filled with colours, sounds, souls and wonder

With the battle against the withering winter won, even we have been given a choice:

We can relive the winter blues, meditate upon the cold grey hues

Or, we can give wings to our dreams, songs to our love, and the artist within us a new voice.


Its better to be broken than break,

but sometimes, that’s the choice we have to make.

Because you just need the pieces apart, to mend them in a new way, and recreate.

Sadly, this time its my turn to make that decision.

Because the reality is setting in, and we are out of places to run.


Maybe breaking us wont hurt as much, if we take with us the the together moments we won?